If you have an account on our website and placed an order for the print edition of the AP Stylebook, you should receive email notifications when your order ships, which will include your USPS, UPS or Federal Express tracking information. You can also view your order progress via the "my orders" (https://store.stylebooks.com/sales/order/history?user=logged_in) page on your account dashboard.

If you are not a registered user and checked out as a guest, you will also receive an email notification with your tracking number once your order has shipped. However, you will not have the ability to track your order on our website.

Click on "View Order" for your order and you'll be taken to the details of your order, including your tracking number. Use that tracking number on the shipper's website to get updated information on the progress of your shipment.

If you still have questions about your shipment, please submit a support ticket (https://help.apstylebook.com/support/tickets/new) or call 833-249-5020 for assistance.