If you have a charge on your credit card statement from APSTYLEBOOK.COM, that is from a purchase on APStylebook.com for spiral-bound Stylebooks or a subscription to one of our digital Stylebook services.
If you provided a valid email address when you placed an order on our website, you should have an email from [email protected] with receipt details. Please check your email inbox, including your spam folder.
If you have created a Stylebook customer account, you can look up your receipts in the “My Orders” section of your customer dashboard. When you click “view order,” you will see the details of your order, as well as the option to print in the upper right of the screen.
We value your privacy and security, so we never display your complete credit card number.
If you believe this charge is in error, or if you have other questions about a Stylebook charge, please submit a support ticket (https://help.apstylebook.com/support/tickets/new) or call 833-249-5020 for assistance.