We are happy to work with sales partners to help you provide your clients with the products they need.

For current pricing of our products, please visit https://store.stylebooks.com and view the "pricing chart" tab for your desired product. You can also use the shopping assistant on the Stylebook Online and style-checking tools product pages to help you determine the right configuration for your customer.

When you add your desired products to your shopping cart, you'll see a "request for quote" button. Fill out the information on that page and you will receive the quote via email with a PDF version attached. The quote email and attached PDF include buttons to "Place my order." with the contents of the quote.

Once you are ready to place the order, you can use the third-party option in checkout to have the product sent to your customer.

You will need list a physical mailing address for spiral-bound books, but for digital services, you just need to add a name and email address for the user. Including the user's name in this box shown above will credit the order to the end user instead of you.

We do not provide third-party discounts.

For further assistance, please submit a support ticket (https://help.apstylebook.com/support/tickets/new) or call 833-249-5020 for assistance.