When you sign up for the AP Stylebook Workshop, you will receive a claim code via email.
When you redeem the code via the link included in the email, you will get access to the Stylebook Workshop online classroom and your supporting materials on the Stylebook website.
Once you have signed up for the AP Stylebook Workshop, please take a few minutes to do these steps so you can have the best experience possible:
1. If you haven’t activated your account, do that now.
To activate your access to the Stylebook Workshop classroom, go to our code redemption URL and redeem your activation code.
Your activation code looks like 9ABC-ABCDEF-GHIJ. You can find it in an email from AP Stylebook <[email protected]>.
Each claim code is valid for one user, so if you registered for more than one participant, please share one code with each person you would like to attend.
If you have any changes in the name or email you would like registered, please email [email protected].
2. Log in to the online classroom.
After you enter your claim code, you will receive your course welcome information in a few minutes from [email protected]. Look for the subject line "Welcome to the AP Stylebook Workshop."
You'll set up a username and password once you get that email.
Please set your password to something secure, that you will remember, upon logging in.