AP Stylebook Online is searchable. Using the search box in the top navigation quickly provides results from all content areas. You can search a specific content area, such as your custom stylebook, by going to that section on your logged-in homepage and entering your query in the search box for that section. Search results use word stemming, meta words and misspellings to help find the results you are looking for, including related terms and similar spellings. The cursor is automatically set to the search box in the top header so searching is even faster.
By default, AP Stylebook Online's search uses word stemming, wildcards (to assist with misspellings) and indexing to help find the results you are looking for as quickly as possible. 
Once you find what you're searching for, you can mark entries as a "Favorite" for easy access. To create a favorite, go to the entry page and click the star just to the right of the entry and it should appear blue indicating that it has been favorited. You can see all your favorite entries on your homepage once you have logged in to your account.