Account managers can see all the users who have access to a Stylebook product through your subscription(s) via the "Manage Users" ( page in your account dashboard.

Active users, those who have created their accounts on the website and set up their own username and password, are listed starting at the top of the page and are listed alphabetically by their name. 

From here, you can control each user's level of access by toggling between account manager or account user. You can see when each user last signed in and which subscriptions they have access to, if you subscribe to multiple AP style products. There are also tools to send a password reset email and remove users from your account.

Users who have not registered their account on the website are listed as "inactive" and appear toward the bottom of the "manage users" page. In addition to the features you have for active users, you can resend the registration email to inactive users. Non-activated users have not set up their username and password, so they cannot yet log into

If you have further questions about managing your account users, please submit a support ticket ( or call 833-249-5020 for assistance.