AP StyleGuard is an automated style-checking tool for use in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook and is managed by Tansa in collaboration with The Associated Press.
For installation assistance, please go to StyleGuard Downloading and Installation Instructions (https://styleguard.com/faq/kb/install/).
To view the "Quick Start Guide," please go here: https://styleguard.com/faq/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/StyleGuard-for-Word-Quick-Start-Guide.pdf
For StyleGuard guides and documentation, please visit here: https://styleguard.com/faq/kb/documentation/
For the StyleGuard FAQ, please go here: https://styleguard.com/faq/kb/faq/
For StyleGuard troubleshooting, please go here: https://styleguard.com/faq/kb/troubleshooting/
For instructions to uninstall StyleGuard, please go here: https://styleguard.com/faq/kb/uninstall/
For StyleGuard prerequisites and system requirements, please go here: https://styleguard.com/faq/kb/software-system-requirements
For other technical questions about AP StyleGuard and further assistance, please contact [email protected].