You can assign multiple users to have "Account Manager" access to your AP Stylebook Online site license.

Account managers have the same access as account users, with the following additional capabilities:

1) Account managers can add and remove users to the account and assign seats to specific users in their named-user site license. (Seat assignment does not apply to concurrent-user site licenses for AP Stylebook Online.)

2) Account managers can designate other registered users as "account managers" or "account users."

3) Account managers can add custom style entries and notes to AP Stylebook Online that are available to all users who have access to their AP Stylebook Online subscription.

4) Account managers can assign billing contacts to receive renewal notifications when subscriptions are coming up for renewal.

An account user on a named-user site license has access to their own account and can add their own custom entries and notes visible only to them. They can see the custom entries and notes added by their account manager, but cannot add or remove users nor see anything about the billing or renewal functions.