AP StyleGuard is an automated style-checking tool for Microsoft Word or Outlook, developed by Tansa in collaboration with The Associated Press.

For Windows users, if you don't see a StyleGuard icon on top of your Word documents after installing the program, please email [email protected] to request the "Word add-in enabling instructions." Be sure to provide your activation code and the version of Windows you're running in that email.

For Mac users, AP StyleGuard will not appear within Word due to Apple development parameters. (We do not support StyleGuard for Outlook on the Mac.) 

Instead, it's a separate app that you can find in your applications folder after installation. Once you have launched and activated StyleGuard on your Mac, keep it in your dock for easy access. 

To check a Word document, put your mouse cursor in the Word document that you want to proof and StyleGuard will provide style-checking feedback within the pop-up app window. 

You can find instructions for AP StyleGuard on the Mac under the installation and activation instructions on StyleGuard's website: https://styleguard.com/downloads/